Best Practices for Ongoing SEO Technical Upkeep with NovoVision Agency
Best Practices for Ongoing SEO Technical Upkeep with NovoVision Agency
This article from NovoVision Agency covers best practices for regular SEO technical maintenance including site crawls, indexation checks, speed optimizations, site architecture updates, fixing technical issues, and monitoring analytics. Proactive upkeep prevents declines in organic rankings and traffic over time.

Best Practices for Ongoing SEO Technical Upkeep with NovoVision Agency

Search engine optimization (SEO) requires regular technical maintenance and upkeep. With frequent website updates and ongoing algorithm changes, no site can afford to “set and forget” their technical SEO. To maintain strong organic visibility, SEO professionals need to proactively monitor and tune their site's technical foundations.

At NovoVision Agency, our SEO technical experts recommend implementing these best practices for ongoing SEO technical upkeep:

Conduct Regular Site Crawls

It's important to routinely check that search engines can fully crawl and index your site. We recommend site crawls be performed monthly using tools like Screaming Frog. Review crawler access and indexation restrictions along with any errors that could block pages. Identify any issues and take corrective actions to improve crawlability.

Monitor Indexation Regularly

Crawlable pages also need to get indexed, so check your site's index status in Google Search Console. Compare indexed pages to your internal site audit to uncover pages that may be invisible to search engines. Submit new URLs for indexing and address any pages that have dropped out.

Check Site Speed Metrics

Page speed impacts user experience and SEO rankings. Use tools like Lighthouse or WebPageTest to measure page load times and optimize slower pages. Compress images, enable caching, lazy load media, and minimize render-blocking resources. Check speed regularly to keep improvements sustained.

Update Site Architecture

As your site evolves, update your information architecture and internal linking to boost SEO. Consolidate redundant pages, break up large pages, and improve navigation and breadcrumbs. Create XML sitemaps and submit them to search engines. Logical site structure helps search bots crawl and users find information.

Stay On Top Of Technical Issues

Fix technical problems like broken links, missing redirects, duplicate content, and metadata errors which can hurt SEO. Regularly audit sites for issues and optimize technical SEO elements. Redirect broken pages, enable HTTPS, and improve tags and structured data. Address problems quickly.

Track Search Analytics

Monitor organic traffic and rankings through analytics. Watch for drops in performance and compare across keywords. Diagnose landing pages losing ground and proactively optimize them. Keeping tabs on analytics helps catch technical declines before they worsen.

With consistent seo technical maintenance, your website will uphold the strong foundations necessary for sustaining organic visibility. Contact our technical SEO specialists at NovoVision Agency to implement ongoing SEO upkeep.


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