What are the different types of Covid-19 & Syptoms?
What are the different types of Covid-19 & Syptoms?
About the test- The Molecular test, generally known as the RT- PCR test, is a system of testing that's used to directly descry the presence of the contagion in the sample. The test detects the contagion’s RNA, which is the inheritable material of the contagion. The first step in this test is to convert this RNA to DNA using an enzyme known as the rear transcriptase.

What are the different types of Covid-19 & Syptoms?

Different Types of Covid 19 Test

COVID- 19 or Coronavirus complaint is an  contagious  complaint that causes severe respiratory illness. Utmost infected people will develop mild to moderate symptoms and might not need hospitalization.

Some of the most common symptoms are:

Dry cough




Body ache

Sore throat

Loss of smell and taste



COVID- 19 has caused serious illness in aged people and those with underpinning  habitual health problems like diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, heart  complaint, liver or  order  complaint,  rotundity, cancer, etc   noway let your health take a backseat. Get yourself regularly tested.

COVID- 19 Tests Need of The Hour

Testing for COVID- 19 can identify you as a positive or negative case of coronavirus  complaint. It's  veritably important as you can only get the right treatment or  tone-  insulate if you know that you have contracted the coronavirus.

Different Types of COVID-19 Tests Available

India has stood  fairly strong in her fight against COVID- 19 with a strategy “ Test, Track and Treat ”. Different  styles of testing have been launched to trace COVID- 19 infection  fleetly and efficiently.

Some of them those are most commonly used in Covid Testing procedure are given below:

1) Molecular (RT-PCR) Tests

About the test- The Molecular test, generally known as the RT- PCR test, is a  system of testing that's used to directly  descry the presence of the contagion in the sample. The test detects the contagion’s RNA, which is the  inheritable material of the contagion. The first step in this test is to convert this RNA to DNA using an enzyme known as the rear transcriptase.

The PCR testing  also detects this DNA. Hence the name RT- PCR. These are also known as the  individual test and nucleic acid modification test( NAAT).  How the sample is taken- A nasal or throat  tar sample is taken.

Are they accurate or not? So the answer is YES. These tests are the most accurate and They've a high  perceptivity and  particularity.  What it shows- These tests help diagnose the active coronavirusinfection.However, the test is positive but a negative test does n’t  inescapably mean that you can't be infected, you might have taken the test in the early days, If the contagion is present in the sample.  What it can not show- It fails to show if you ever had COVID- 19 in the  history.  

Cost of RT- PCR test-In case you feel you have symptoms of COVID- 19, you can approach your croaker who can further advise you for a test.

Not every laboratory in the country can conduct a COVID- 19 test as the contagion is  largely contagious. Bespeak your COVID- 19 lab test confidently with us.

What to Do After an RT-PCR test

test positive for the COVID- 19

The healthcare provider will guide you to follow defensive  way if you feel sick.   

If you test negative for COVID- 19

It means you didn't have COVID- 19 at the time of testing or your sample might have been collected too early to  descry aninfection.

However, you might need to take another lRT- PCR test to determine if you're infected, If you develop symptoms after 3- 4 days.

2) COVID-19 Antigen Tests

About the test- A COVID- 19 antigen refers to any foreign matter or viral proteins in the body that triggers an vulnerable response. This test helps identify the antigens related to the COVID- 19 contagion. Antigen test, also known as  rapid-fire antigen test, is a  rapid-fire  individual test that gives results  briskly than molecular tests. But there's a debit, antigen tests have a advanced chance of missing an active infection.  How the sample is taken- generally, anasal or throat  tar sample is taken.  Time taken to get results Since it's a  rapid-fire test, results are delivered in 1 hour or  lower.

Is another test  demanded – Rapid tests are  generally  largely accurate if you test positive  still a negative result might need to be  verified using a molecular test. What it can not show- The Antigen test might miss an active coronavirus infection in comparison to RT- PCR tests.

3) COVID-19 Antibody Tests

It tells if you were  preliminarily infected with the contagion that causes COVID- 19. The antibody test doesn't look for the active contagion but checks whether your vulnerable system has responded to the infection.  How the sample is taken- It's tested by drawing your blood sample.

Is another test  demanded – occasionally a alternate COVID- 19 antibody test might be  demanded for more accurate results.  What it shows This test helps to find out if you were infected with the contagion causing COVID- 19 in the  history and now have antibodies against it.  What it can not show- A COVID- 19 antibody test may not show if you have an active contagion in your body causing COVID- 19 infection.

When to seek medical help for COVID-19

In case you have minor symptoms like mild cough and fever, consult a croaker online and  give details completely and follow home counterblockade. There's no  egregious need to visit a croaker in person. tone-  insulate and cover your symptoms for the coming 14 days. Don't ignore if your fever increases or if you get any serious symptoms  similar as breathlessness,  internal confusion, or blue lips. These signs may warrant to seek medical help  incontinently.

Bottom line

The stylish way to get a COVID- 19 test is to  communicate  your nearest healthcare provider who can guide you stylish on testing. Meanwhile,

Follow social distancing

Wash your hands regularly

And avoid touching your face


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