Things You Should Always Tell Your Obstetricians
Things You Should Always Tell Your Obstetricians
Discover the crucial information you should always share with your obstetrician for optimal care during pregnancy and childbirth.

Obstetricians are the medical specialists who provide their patients necessary care required related to pregnancy and childbirth concerns. In the vibrant city of Melbourne, renowned for its dynamic culture and flourishing healthcare system, expectant mothers can find exceptional obstetricians who are committed to delivering comprehensive care and unwavering support. From prenatal care to delivery and postpartum support, Melbourne obstetricians are committed to delivering exceptional healthcare services and helping women have a positive and empowering birthing experience in this dynamic Australian city. With their expertise and compassionate approach, they ensure the well-being of both mother and baby throughout the entire journey.

It is a must, to be honest, and share your sexual & reproductive history completely to receive the best support from the obstetrician. Along with your medical history, there are more things you should not miss out on sharing in detail with the doctor. Read the write-up till the end to uncover the seven things you should always tell your obstetrician. Do not forget that an experienced OB has heard and treated it all. There is no such thing to hesitate or feel embarrassed about.

Seven Things To Always Tell Your Obstetrician

When it comes to your health, it can be a bit confusing to determine what’s normal and what may be not. Thus, a frank conversation with the OB can help them identify the signs & provide the most effective treatment for the patient's health concern. Here are potential things you must always disclose to your OB.

1. Personal And Family Medical History :

At times of communicating with your Melbourne obstetricians, it’s important to be open about your personal and family planning history. This historical information must include any pre-existing medical conditions you have, such as hypertension, thyroid problem, diabetes & more that you might be experiencing. In addition to this information, you must share your history of previous pregnancies, miscarriages, or complications, if any. After all, it helps the doctor evaluate the different treatment options and select the most effective one for you.

2. Painful Periods :

Menstruation, or periods, is normal and healthy vaginal bleeding most women experience. However, it may be an unpleasant and painful experience they have to go through every month of the year. Intense headaches, unbearable pain near the abdominal area, and breast soreness are just quite a few severe menstruation symptoms to name.

As a woman, if your periods are painful, it is essential to share your concerns clearly with experienced Melbourne obstetricians. The doctor will provide the necessary treatment to make it a less painful experience & easy to manage on a monthly basis.

3. Lifestyle Factors :

A healthy lifestyle is essential to live a happy life. After all, it helps to lower the chances of developing short-term or long-term diseases. Your lifestyle choice is the other thing you must disclose to your OB. This is because most health concerns are associated with the lifestyle choices people make.

The lifestyle factors include your physical activity routine, eating habits, & specific health concerns related to your nutritional food choices. Also, you must not miss out on details like alcohol consumption and smoking, if you prefer to do so, in your daily lifestyle.

4. Mental Health Issues :

Pregnancy, first-time motherhood experience, unusual perinatal loss & menopause are some factors that can create physical and emotional stress in women. Along these, some more factors like infertility, unemployment, discrimination, and unpleasant life experiences affect women’s mental health & well-being.

An in-detail conversation with the OB can help them understand your mental health condition. Experienced obstetriciansin Melbourneplay a significant role in helping their patients improve their mental well-being. They help their patients look out at things positively. Moreover, they suggest the concerned patients prioritise doing meditation regularly. Doing so helps the mental health issues concerned patients overcome depression and lower anxiety levels.

5. Changes In Your Body Or Symptoms : 

Women experience, understand and learn to accept changes in their bodies throughout their life. As their age increases in numbers, they enter a new stage of the development cycle. Adolescence, teenage, young, middle-aged, and older adulthood are the development stages every woman has to go through. Women in their teenage & adulthood stages have to experience potential health issues such as abnormal vaginal discharge, vaginal odour & discomfort during intimacy.

Obstetricians help women manage these health concerns and pass through these stages easily in the following ways.

  • Vaginal Odour And Abnormal Discharge

Bacterial infections are common in women because of unhygienic lifestyles, unprotected intimate activity, & intrauterine devices inside the women's reproductive organs. Fishy and unpleasant vaginal odour and abnormal discharge are common signs of bacterial imbalance in women. It is essential for women to discuss this concern with the OB properly. Doing so helps the doctor identify the root cause of the bacterial infection & make the patient learn ways to prevent it in future.

  • Discomfort During Intimacy

If you’re experiencing unusual pain or discomfort when intimating with your partner, it is high time to consult an OB. The doctor examines their patients to identify the causes of pain and foresees to suggest their patient's effective tips to minimise the discomfort.

6. Pregnancy And Child-Birth-Related Concerns :

Women’s health is the top priority when they are pregnant. After all, it helps them ensure that their pregnancy journey goes smoothly with fewer complications. If you’re expecting a baby, you must consult and follow up with an obstetrician to receive the best-needed care. Obstetricians are doctors who specialise in providing care to women expecting a baby. They possess the expertise and the knowledge required to address potential problems that may arise during different stages of pregnancy. Their expertise allows them to carry out various examinations and ultrasounds to prevent complications throughout their different pregnant trimesters & childbirth.

7. Child-Birth-Related Concerns :

For a mom-to-be, labour and childbirth are a period of enthusiasm and a bit of anxiety, and fear as well. Obstetricians provide expert medical care, constant support, and guidance required to make childbirth a positive and empowering experience for pregnant women. You can discuss your concern or question related to the childbirth process openly. The doctor will introduce you to different birthing options and help go through the birthing process safely and with utmost care.


So, these were the seven most important things that you must always disclose to your obstetrician. Sharing your personal and sensitive information with someone new can feel overwhelming and intimidating. However, you must remember that there’s nothing to feel awkward about because the doctor hears and treats it all day. So, make sure not to hide anything from the obstetricians to avail the


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