The Best Yoga To Treat Erectile Dysfunction
The Best Yoga To Treat Erectile Dysfunction
Kumbhakasana Asana, also known for its Plank position, works the most effective for treating the problem of erectile dysfunction.

The psychological causes of ED vary. reasons that stop both of you from feeling satisfied while in bed. 

The most significant issue with ED can be the difficulty to keep or maintain erections during sexual sex. 

The correct treatment is able to fix this issue. Sometimes, they are unable to get a good erection at the moment of their intercourse.

Kamagra Oral Jelly 100mg that can aid you in this regard. Different yoga practices can increase testosterone levels in males and help prevent the occurrence of erectile dysfunction. 

This type of exercise works by stimulating flow of blood to the pelvic region, which fights the erectile dysfunction.


It is among the yoga poses that influence the forward bend of the seated posture can perform. It helps to keep the pelvic muscles relax and helps improve blood flow to the penis. 

This pose helps you to be relaxed and frees you from anxiety, depression, and stress, which can help you avoid the Erectile Dysfunction which, as we all know, that these causes are among the main reasons for ED.

How to get it:

After seated at the Yoga Best Health leg in front of you, it is necessary to gently rock your body to the left and then pull the right side of your sit bone using your hands (those bones that make up the bottom of your body) away. R and repeat the exercise with the other side.

You must then breathe deeply and keep your upper body relaxed to the level of your floor. Next, lean forward and keep your eyes on the ankles, and maintain the length of your tailbone. 

If you are able do it, try holding the ankle using your hands at the elbows with your arms fully extended. You can also use the strap of yoga to assist in stretching.

It is necessary to keep this posture for between one and three minutes. In this yoga posture it is important to concentrate on your breathing and be aware of making your body relax and release your body.

2. Uttanasana

It is also known as Uttanasana is often referred to for its standing forward bent it is believed to be a crucial component of many yoga practices. 

Intense expansion is its primary characteristic that can alleviate anxiety. Some believe it helps reduce fertility while stimulating the digestive system, which stimulates your abdominal organs.

How to use it:

The first step is to be standing at the front of the yoga mat placing your hands on your hips. Next, bend your torso to the side by hanging it over your buttocks while exhaling. The goal is to focus on lengthening your front of your torso, not folding it.

When you are required to hold your fingers to the floor directly ahead of your feet, it's important to do to keep your knees straight. 

If you're an inexperienced person, it is difficult to perform this correctly at first so a slight bend is acceptable when starting. If you find it difficult to lift your feet then you must extend your arms and keep your elbows in place.

Try to take a break for 30 seconds or more between each posture. When you inhale, it is important to raise your body; it will make your body longer more. It is recommended to try relaxing more deeply.


Kumbhakasana Asana, also known for its Plank position, works the most effective for treating the problem of erectile dysfunction. 

It aids in improving the endurance, strength and endurance required for sexual intimacy. Therefore, ED is easily avoided. 

The poses should be practiced often, and after that you will notice the change in your strength and energy during physical interaction.

How to Use:

The first step is to lie down so where your stomach should be in contact with the floor. Then, you must hold your hands to the sides of your face when lying down. 

You should turn your feet in that your toes should be lifted off the floor. Use your hands to lift your body and the buttocks.

Make sure that your feet are level with the floor. Make sure to remain in this position for as long as you can. after that, you'll gradually return to your original position.


Popularly known as known as the Boat Pose, Naukasana is frequently performed to increase the hormones that stimulate sexual desire in females and males. 

This means that ED is easily treated. If you believe that you aren't having the right sexual vigor to have sexual sex.

It is essential to practice this pose every day as it helps you keep your sexual energy. Boating can also strengthen your thighs and buttocks muscles. It also helps strengthen pelvic floor muscles and helps improve sleep.

How to Use:

The first step is to lie in a position on your floor. Then, you must hold your arm in front of your body. You must then breathe out and in.

You must lift your chest up in the air. Next, Liftoff the lower part of your body onto the air. Then, you must add weight to your buttocks.

During the asana practice, your hands must be straight all the duration. You must remain in the posture for more than five minutes. After that, you must come back to your normal posture and then relax for a few minutes.


Dhanurasana which is alsorenowned for its Bow Pose, is the most effective floor exercise that can increase the activity of your reproductive organs, so to allow blood flow to be efficient towards these organs. 

Additionally, the asana assists in stretching all muscles in the body like the muscles of the thighs and the groin. The bow pose can help increase the strength of your entire body.

How do you go about doing it?

Yoga could be the most effective remedy to treat Kamagra oral jelly as well as Kamaggra 100mg ( for erectile disfunction.

Place the mat with your belly on, and lay your head down. Keep your feet in a position that is comfortable and your hands resting on the sides of your body.

After that, you must move your legs back behind your body, and then raise the upper part of your body. It is important to hold your ankles in your hands. 

Once you've got a solid grip, hold your body above the floor and then pull your legs higher and down. It is important to remain in contact with your floor via the pelvis.


It is recommended to stay for at a minimum of 20-30 minutes in this posture. In that period, you should take some deep breaths. Repeat the posture a few times until you get the most effective outcome.


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