Tailored Keloid Therapy in Dubai
Tailored Keloid Therapy in Dubai
Scars & Keloid Treatment in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah is Best after Skin injury is the major cause of this problem so it is your responsibility to take good care of the wound after having any injury.

Keloid Treatment in Dubai

Keloids are a common dermatological concern, characterized by the overgrowth of scar tissue beyond the boundaries of the original wound. These raised, often itchy or painful, scars can be aesthetically displeasing and cause discomfort. In Dubai, tailored Keloid Treatment in Dubai offers hope to individuals seeking effective treatment options for this condition.

What are Keloids?

Before delving into tailored therapy options, it's essential to understand what keloids are and how they differ from regular scars. Keloids form when the body overproduces collagen during the healing process, leading to the development of raised, firm growths on the skin. Unlike typical scars that gradually fade over time, keloids can grow larger and extend beyond the boundaries of the original injury.

Causes and Risk Factors

While the exact cause of keloids remains unclear, several factors contribute to their formation:

Genetic Predisposition

Individuals with a family history of keloids are more likely to develop them.

Injury or Trauma

Keloids often result from skin injuries, such as surgical incisions, acne scars, burns, or piercings.


Certain ethnic groups, including people with darker skin tones, are more prone to keloid formation.

Hormonal Changes

Fluctuations in hormone levels, such as during puberty or pregnancy, can trigger keloid growth.

Traditional Treatment Approaches

Historically, keloids have been challenging to treat, with conventional therapies yielding varying degrees of success. Traditional Keloid Treatment options include:

Corticosteroid Injections

Administering corticosteroids directly into the keloid can help reduce inflammation and flatten the scar.

Surgical Excision

Surgical removal of the keloid is an option for smaller growths, but there's a risk of recurrence and potential for even larger keloids to form post-surgery.


Freezing the keloid with liquid nitrogen can help shrink its size, although multiple sessions may be necessary.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy following surgical excision may reduce the likelihood of keloid recurrence.

Tailored Keloid Therapy in Dubai

In recent years, advancements in dermatological science have paved the way for tailored Keloid removal cost, offering more personalized and effective treatment approaches. In Dubai, renowned dermatologists utilize a combination of innovative techniques to address keloids comprehensively.

Laser Therapy

Laser therapy targets the excess collagen in keloids, breaking it down and promoting smoother, more even skin texture. This non-invasive approach is particularly effective for smaller keloids and can significantly reduce itching and discomfort.

Silicone Gel Sheets

Silicone gel sheets provide a simple yet effective method for managing keloids, helping to flatten and soften the scar tissue over time. These sheets are applied directly to the keloid and worn for several hours each day.

Interferon Injections

Interferon injections have shown promise in reducing keloid size and preventing recurrence by modulating the body's immune response. This therapy may be combined with other modalities for optimal results.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy

PRP therapy harnesses the body's natural healing factors by injecting concentrated platelets into the keloid, promoting tissue regeneration and collagen remodeling. This approach is particularly beneficial for stubborn or recurrent keloids.


Tailored keloid therapy in Dubai offers hope to individuals struggling with the physical and emotional burden of keloid scars. By leveraging a combination of advanced techniques, dermatologists can customize treatment plans to address each patient's unique needs effectively. From laser therapy to PRP injections, these innovative approaches pave the way for smoother, more aesthetically pleasing skin, restoring confidence and quality of life. If you're considering keloid treatment in Dubai, consult with a qualified dermatologist to explore your options and embark on the journey toward scar-free skin.


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