PRP Treatment For Face: What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma Used For?
PRP Treatment For Face: What Is Platelet-Rich Plasma Used For?
Are you looking for the best PRP treatment for face? Let's delve in first to find what it is.

Are you looking for the best PRP treatment for face? Let's delve in first to find what it is. 

PRP treatment for the face (platelet-rich plasma) is a platelet concentrate obtained from the patient's plasma containing many bioactive proteins and growth factors that help tissue regeneration, promoting facial rejuvenation.


Platelet-rich plasma Therapy was regulated, and its absence of rejection stands out because it is an entirely autologous technique. PRP treatment for the face is a pioneer technique worldwide. This area was later followed by PRP hair treatment. Check for PRP hair treatment costs here.


What is Platelet Rich Plasma?


The product is obtained by centrifuging your blood to get a plasma fraction with a high concentration of platelets (600,000 to 1,500,000 x mm3) activated when combined with calcium chloride. It is applied to the skin through dermal micropunctures in the most flaccid areas of the face and body, stimulating the production of collagen, elastin, and epidermal tissue, which results in young, smooth, and better-quality skin.


What is platelet-rich plasma applied for?


PRP are cytokines or proteins released inside the platelets once the clot is formed, improving healing and tissue repair. Its use in traumatology, rheumatology, and sports medicine is based on its capacity to repair and regenerate "wounds" or damage to bone, tendon, muscle, or cartilage.

It is considered one of the latest and most advanced mesotherapy techniques for treating aging skin in aesthetic medicine.


  • Restores skin vitality
  • Remodels and repairs tissues
  • Increases the natural thickness of the skin
  • Improves vascularization
  • Stimulates natural hydration
  • Reduces expression lines and wrinkles
  • Prevents the appearance of new wrinkles


What is platelet-rich plasma used for?


Platelet-rich plasma is often used in facial and body aesthetic medicine, but very beneficial results have been observed as hair mesotherapy for treating hair loss. PRP hair treatment is for both men and women experiencing hair loss or thinning hair. It is safe and effective, with long-lasting results with proper maintenance. However, consulting a qualified healthcare professional is vital to determine if PRP hair treatment suits you.


From the first PRP treatment for face session, the results are visible to the naked eye. However, due to the mechanism of action of the Growth Factors, the effect will be more noticeable as time and number of applications pass.


How many PRP treatments for face sessions are ideal?


Although the number of sessions will depend on the needs of each patient, we can affirm that approximately 2 to 3 sessions should be carried out, each one a month apart. These sessions will be complemented by a subsequent yearly maintenance of one or two sessions.


For what age is this treatment indicated?


The PRP treatment for the face is indicated above all for patients over 30 years of age who present:


  • Dull and tired skin
  • Clear signs of aging
  • Loss of firmness and smoothness of the skin

The treatment can be combined with other techniques to improve effectiveness and accelerate achieving the expected results, such as hyaluronic acid fillers or botulinum toxin treatments (Botox treatments).


What is PRP treatment for the face?


PRP treatment for the face is a concentration of platelets obtained from the patient's blood with exceptional benefits.


How does platelet-rich plasma work?


Applying growth factors such as Platelet Rich Plasma to the skin makes it possible to provide active ingredients that regenerate skin cells, such as keratinocytes of the basal layer and fibroblasts. The production of glycosaminoglycans, collagen, and elastic fibers necessary to replace altered structures is stimulated.


Who is the candidate for this type of treatment?


The treatment is suitable for men and women. It does not require any prior preparation, and after its application, people immediately return to their social life. Platelet-rich plasma improves wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin, providing luminosity and enhancing its texture.


When we can see the PRP treatment for the face results?


Growth factors have to act by stimulating the tissue. Therefore, there is no instant result. The effects appear as the days go by and increase as they pass. The maximum effect is 30 days after treatment.


How long do the PRP treatment for face results last?


After carrying out the three initial sessions and the reinforcement after four months, the result lasts approximately one year, when a maintenance session will be necessary.



What care is recommended after the application of platelet-rich plasma?


Use sunscreen after treatment to reduce the adverse effects caused by sun exposure. Avoid exposing yourself to contaminated environments for 24 hours.


Is the application of PRP treatment for the face bothersome?


The skin is prepared, and a topical anesthetic in cream form is applied for 20 minutes before applying PRP treatment to the face, minimizing discomfort.


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