Mouth: Oral Candidiasis Or Candidal Stomatitis
Mouth: Oral Candidiasis Or Candidal Stomatitis
Discover relief for mouth discomfort with our expert guide on oral candidiasis, a.k.a. candidal stomatitis. Say goodbye to mouth troubles!

Mouth: Oral Candidiasis Or Candidal Stomatitis

Mouth: Oral Candidiasis Or Candidal Stomatitis

Mouth: oral candidiasis or candidal stomatitis is a condition caused by candida albicans characterized by the presence of lesions and the accumulation of whitish deposits on the tongue or the inside of the cheeks.S5b7FwI3__vkLdr_TIpuwjt9SmVRw3Sp7hXKv_HEyoJKzAkok_PJw8IpWsmT-a3a7fTXgfULvLXfNi2Xtgk1MRYcn9iGfc2LhS-ycrTUyjw3qp0qmqDQ7ccVzgictxg-zGS2fuVD7Ft3pLJKBu5cPe8

The wounds can be painful and bleed easily when scraped. Sometimes oral candidiasis can spread to the roof of the mouth, gums, tonsils or the back of the throat (pharynx).

Although candidal stomatitis can affect anyone, it occurs especially in children and people who wear dentures, who use inhalers containing corticosteroids or people who have a compromised immune system. Oral candidiasis is a minor problem in the case of a healthy person, but if the immune system is weakened, the symptoms of the disease can be more severe and more difficult to control.


- Children and adults - initially it is possible not to notice the symptoms of oral candidiasis. Depending on the underlying cause of the manifestations, they can develop suddenly and persist for a period of time. Among the symptoms are: lesions with whitish deposits located inside the cheeks, tongue and sometimes in the roof of the mouth, on the gums and tonsils, pain, easy bleeding (if the wounds are rubbed or scraped), cracks and redness at the corners of the mouth, loss taste. In severe cases, the lesions can spread to the esophagus and if this happens, it is possible to have difficulty swallowing or the feeling that pieces of food are stuck in the throat.

- Infants And Nursing Mothers- 

In addition to the distinctive whitish lesions, feeding difficulties, restlessness and irritability may appear in newborns. Babies can transmit the infection to their mothers during breastfeeding, and it can then retransmitted from the mother's breasts to the child's mouth. Women whose breasts infected with candida may have the following signs and symptoms: unusually red and tender nipples, itching, shiny skin with spots that can be seen in the dark, unusual pain during breastfeeding or sore nipples between meals, stabbing at breast level.


Thrush or candidal stomatitis can occur when the immune system weakened by diseases or some types of drugs (prednisone) or when antibiotics disrupt the natural balance of microorganisms in a person's body. Normally, the immune system repels harmful invading organisms, such as viruses, bacteria and fungi, while maintaining a balance between the good and bad microbes that normally live in a person's body. However, sometimes these protective mechanisms fail, which can allow an oral infection to set in. Among the diseases that predispose to the occurrence of oral candidiasis could counted:

- HIV/AIDS- the repeated appearance of candidal stomatitis can be the first sign of an HIV infection.


- cancer - in most cases, the immune system of cancer patients weakened both by the condition itself and by the treatments followed, which increases the risk of oral infections such as candidal stomatitis.


- diabetes - in case of the presence of untreated diabetes or diabetes that is not kept under control, saliva can contain large amounts of sugar, which will favor the appearance of oral candidiasis.

- vaginal fungal infections - although fungal infections are not dangerous, women who are pregnant can transmit the fungus to the newborn during natural birth.

Risk Factors

Any person can manifest oral candidiasis or candidal stomatitis, but there are certain categories of people with a higher degree of risk. Risk factors include:

- young age (the condition is common in young children)

- compromised immune system

- wearing dentures

- presence of various conditions, such as diabetes or anemia

- use of certain medications (antibiotics, oral or inhaled corticosteroids)

- following chemotherapeutic treatments or radiotherapy to treat cancer

- the manifestation of conditions that can cause dry mouth ( xerostomia )

- smoking

Complications of Mouth

Oral candidiasis or candidal stomatitis is rarely a problem for healthy children and adults. Although the infection can recur even after it has treated. If a person has a weakened immune system:

- candidal stomatitis could spread to various parts of the body, including the digestive tract, lungs and liver.

- severe symptoms are possible, especially in the mouth and esophagus, which can make eating painful and difficult.

- the infection can spread in the area of ​​the intestines, and the absorption of nutrients will not done in an adequate way.

Tests And Mouth Diagnosis 

- If candidiasis manifests itself only in the mouth, it can diagnosed by a specialist just by simply observing the lesions. Sometimes it may be necessary to collect a sample from the infected area to confirm the diagnosis.


- Candidal stomatitis present in the esophagus is more serious. To help diagnose this condition, the doctor will be able to request tests. Such as cultures of secretions from the neck and endoscopic examination.


The purpose of the regular consultation with the doctor is to take care of the general state of health. During the usual visits, the doctor will try to assess the risk of developing oral candidiasis stomatitis. (especially if certain risk factors are present) And will recommend the necessary investigations. These measures will help to diagnose and treat the causes that could be the basis of oral candidiasis, even from the early stages of the condition.

Treatment Of  Mouth Candidal Stomatitis Includes:

- oral antiseptic solutions

- diagnosis and treatment of any diseases that could contribute to the occurrence of oral candidiasis (such as HIV/AIDS and diabetes).

- consuming yogurt or taking acidophilus supplements can help balance the microorganisms in the oral cavity.

- the administration of antifungal drugs, including those based on medical prescription such as fluconazole

- gargling and rinsing the mouth with warm salt water.

In many cases, candidal stomatitis in infants can disappear within two weeks. And may not require any other treatment than monitoring the evolution of the lesions. Because oral candidiasis could be painful. And make eating difficult, the doctor should observe if the symptoms worsen and institute new treatment measures. 

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