How To Heal A Sprained Ankle Quickly?
How To Heal A Sprained Ankle Quickly?
A sprained ankle might be painful – especially if it is severe. Patients are also prone to reinjury if proper remedies are not applied.

A sprained ankle is a common injury for sports players and athletes. When one or more ligaments in your ankle are irritated or overstretched, you are probably from a sprained ankle. A mild sprain might irritate a few ligaments, whereas severe sprains can cause the ligaments to tear completely. Whatever your case is, what is the best remedy to heal it faster and get back to the ground? It often takes months to recover from a sprained ankle, but you can make it quicker with the right tips. This post will explain how to heal a sprained ankle quickly. Keep reading to learn more!

Effective Tips For Healing A Sprained Ankle Quickly

A sprained ankle might be painful – especially if it is severe. Patients are also prone to reinjury if proper remedies are not applied. After spraining your ankle, you should quickly see your doctor to start the treatment. As mentioned, healing a sprained ankle can probably take months, but you can also speed up the healing process with a few tips. We have compiled a few points to help you speed up the recovery process. Let us walk through the list quickly!

1. RICE:

Doctors often use the term RICE for patients with a sprained ankle. It stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. These tactics can help reduce swelling and inflammation in the days after the injury. Let us explain these terms quickly!

i) Rest:

Resting after an injury is always a good practice. When resting, you should wear a brace to stabilize the injured area. You may get injured again if you attempt to return to the ground without sufficient rest.

ii) Ice:

Using ice around the sprained region will help you heal faster. The American Academy of Family Physicians suggests applying an ice pack 10-15 times daily to the sprained region is beneficial. Moreover, ice can also reduce the blood flow to the injured spot.

iii) Compression:

Compression can also help you stabilize the joint and reduce swelling in the sprained ankle. Wrapping a bandage around the injured area can help. The bandage must be snug but not too tight to avoid digging into the skin.

iv) Elevation:

When you elevate the sprained ankle, you reduce the chances of fluid accumulation in the injured area. Elevation can also help you reduce pain and swelling in the injured area. Try sleeping with your sprained ankle propped up on a pillow.

2. Physical Exercises

Regular exercise is always recommended for a sprained ankle as it restores strength and balances the muscles. You can reduce the risk of another sprain with regular physical exercise. You should start exercising the ankle when the swelling goes down, and you feel comfortable while walking.

You should stand with the heels hanging backward over an edge. Drop your heels slightly while holding the position for a few seconds. You can also balance on one foot for 30 seconds. Have you ever thought of yoga for a sprained injury? It could be a perfect remedial workout, and you should join a hot yoga Dubai academy today!

3. Regular Massage

Massage could be another effective technique for quick recovery from a sprained ankle. Regular massage can help ease pain and enhance blood flow to the sprained region. A massage therapist can help you recover from a severe injury without waiting too long.

However, in case of a mild injury, you can try a gentle massage at home. Massaging the bottom of the feet and heels can provide relief from the pain. If massaging the area causes pain, you should stop immediately and report it.

Read More: 

4. Walking

Putting any weight on the joint might be painful – especially immediately after the injury. However, as the swelling decreases, you should start walking slowly to get your muscles back to work and start the blood flow. Walking short distances can promote healing.

You might not feel comfortable initially. Therefore, hold the injured spot in an unusual position or twist the body to avoid putting too much weight on the sprain.

5. Physical Therapies

Physical therapies are better for patients with long-term pain and severe sprain injuries. Your physical therapist will examine the injured ankle and suggest exercises for a quick recovery. Once the weak issues are identified, the therapist will help you work on these areas to restore their strength.  

Physical therapies often include a change in your lifestyle. Yoga can be an integral exercise, and you must try it in a hot yoga Dubia academy to foster quicker recovery. A customized exercise plan will always help you recover faster from the injury.

Stay Fit With Regular Yoga Sessions!

A yoga session might be a perfect alternative to the gym. You can lose weight or build muscles with regular sessions. It would be best to join a yoga center in Dubai and work out with professional yogis to stay fit! 


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