Braces and Diet: What to Eat and Avoid in Dubai
Braces and Diet: What to Eat and Avoid in Dubai
Dental braces are orthodontic devices used to straighten misaligned teeth and correct bite issues. They consist of brackets attached to the teeth and connected by wires, gradually moving teeth into the desired position. Braces improve oral health, appearance, and functionality, and are suitable for both children and adults.

Braces and Diet: What to Eat and Avoid in Dubai


Best Dental Braces in Dubai is a significant step towards achieving a healthier, more attractive smile. However, wearing braces requires adjustments not only in oral hygiene practices but also in diet. The types of food you consume can have a substantial impact on the success and comfort of your orthodontic treatment. In Dubai, where culinary diversity is vast, it's essential to know which foods to eat and avoid to ensure the best possible outcome for your braces treatment. This article will guide you through the dietary do's and don'ts for brace wearers in Dubai.

Foods to Eat with Braces

1. Soft Fruits and Vegetables

Soft fruits such as bananas, berries, and kiwis are excellent choices for brace wearers. They are easy to chew and provide essential vitamins and minerals. Vegetables like cooked carrots, spinach, and mashed potatoes are also gentle on braces and highly nutritious.

2. Dairy Products

Dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and milk are not only soft but also rich in calcium and protein, which are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Smoothies made with yogurt and soft fruits can be a delicious and nutritious snack.

3. Soft Grains and Pasta

Soft grains such as oatmeal, rice, and couscous are safe to eat with braces. Pasta, especially when cooked until soft, is another excellent option. Avoid adding hard or crunchy toppings that could damage braces.

4. Lean Proteins

Soft-cooked chicken, fish, and tofu are great protein sources that are easy to chew. Eggs, prepared in various ways, are also a versatile and soft protein option suitable for brace wearers.

5. Soups and Stews

Soups and stews are ideal for those with braces as they are typically soft and easy to eat. They can be packed with vegetables, proteins, and grains, making them a balanced and nutritious meal.

6. Smoothies and Shakes

Smoothies and shakes are not only easy to consume but also customizable to include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and proteins. They are an excellent way to get nutrients without risking damage to your braces.

Foods to Avoid with Braces

1. Hard and Crunchy Foods

Hard foods like nuts, hard candies, and ice can break brackets and wires. Crunchy foods such as chips, popcorn, and raw vegetables like carrots and apples should also be avoided. These foods can cause damage to braces and prolong the treatment period.

2. Sticky and Chewy Foods

Sticky foods like chewing gum, caramel, and gummy candies can get stuck in braces and are difficult to clean off. Chewy foods such as bagels and licorice can also pull on braces and cause them to break.

3. Sugary Foods and Drinks

Excessive sugar can lead to tooth decay and gum disease, which can complicate orthodontic treatment. Avoid sugary snacks, sodas, and juices. If you consume these, ensure you brush your teeth soon after.

4. Corn on the Cob and Bone-In Meats

Corn on the cob and meats that require biting off the bone, such as ribs and chicken wings, can be problematic for brace wearers. These foods can cause brackets to dislodge and wires to bend.

5. Tough Meats

Tough meats like steak or jerky require significant chewing effort, which can strain and potentially damage braces. Opt for softer cuts of meat or cook them until tender.

6. Certain Fruits and Vegetables

While fruits and vegetables are generally healthy, some like apples and raw carrots can be too hard for those with braces. It's better to consume these foods in cooked form or cut into small, manageable pieces.

Tips for Eating with Braces

1. Cut Food into Small Pieces

Cutting food into smaller, bite-sized pieces can make it easier to chew and reduce the risk of damaging braces. This is especially useful for harder foods that you still want to enjoy occasionally.

2. Chew Slowly and Carefully

Taking your time to chew slowly and carefully can prevent damage to your braces. Avoid biting into foods with your front teeth and use your back teeth for chewing.

3. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is crucial when you have braces. Brush and floss regularly to remove food particles and prevent plaque buildup. Use orthodontic brushes and flossers to clean around brackets and wires effectively.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water helps wash away food particles and sugars that can get trapped in your braces. It also promotes overall oral health.

5. Visit Your Orthodontist Regularly

Regular visits to your orthodontist in Dubai are essential for monitoring the progress of your treatment and addressing any issues that arise. Follow their dietary recommendations to ensure the best results.


Maintaining a braces-friendly diet is crucial for the success of your orthodontic treatment. By choosing soft, nutritious foods and avoiding hard, sticky, and sugary items, you can protect your braces and ensure a smoother, more comfortable treatment process. In Dubai, where food choices are abundant, being mindful of what you eat will help you achieve the best possible outcome for your smile.


1. Can I eat apples with braces?

It’s best to avoid biting into whole apples. Instead, cut them into small, thin slices to make them easier to chew and prevent damage to your braces.

2. Are there any specific foods I should eat after getting my braces tightened?

After getting braces tightened, your teeth may be sensitive. Soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, smoothies, and soups are ideal during this time.

3. Can I chew gum with braces?

No, chewing gum is not recommended with braces as it can get stuck and cause damage to the brackets and wires.

4. Is it safe to eat popcorn with braces?

No, popcorn should be avoided as the kernels can get stuck in the braces and cause damage.

5. Can I eat meat with braces?

Yes, but choose soft, tender meats and avoid tough cuts. Cut meat into small pieces to make it easier to chew.

6. Are there any braces-friendly snacks?

Yes, braces-friendly snacks include yogurt, cheese, soft fruits, smoothies, and soft granola bars.

7. Can I drink soda with brace


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