Student-Friendly Gigs: Unveiling the Best Jobs for College Life
Student-Friendly Gigs: Unveiling the Best Jobs for College Life
Living life as a student in a foreign country away from home is always a challenge. However, it is important for you to find your way on your own through this academic journey you have ahead of you. You will be paying your bills on your own and will have to manage your budget all by yourself.

Flexible Part-Time Opportunities: Balancing Work and College Life

You need to provide for yourself as soon as you have found your feet in the country. In order to deal with this entire situation it is imperative for students to find a part-time job. Our team at Best Student Halls has created a guide that you can use in order to figure out a part-time job during your academic term. Having a part-time job will help you have stability and give you a sense of independence. You would surely not want to pressure your parents at home with additional funds as the cost of living in the UK is way higher than that back home. 


1. Managing a Student Crib


You can easily find a job at a student crib. This is a great way to earn some money on the side along with your academic term. This will help you learn a lot about different working styles in a different country. It will surely act as a great addition to your CV when you are looking to apply for an actual job. Having a part-time job as a brand manager for a student crib will also help you understand if you want to work in this kind of profile. You can know early enough if this kind of role suits you or if there is something else that you are looking to work around. In this role, you can expect to show prospective students around and also help in marketing and social media strategies. You can expect to earn a competitive part-time salary and also gain some extra bonuses while working for such an organization. In this position, you can expect to meet many other students from all over the world and gel with them to have better connections in the future. 


2. Online Tutor


If you have a skill make use of it. being a part-time tutor online will help you earn a lot of side income. This kind of job comes with the benefit of working on your own time and hence you can effectively plan your hours. Time management is key during your academic term. You can get help from your friends at your student accommodation and sign up for online tutor programs with multiple sites. This way you can work from your student accommodation in comfort and privacy. The best part is that you can offer lessons in a subject that you like or are studying. This will help you and also help you earn money on the side. You can expect to earn around £20 per hour! This is a great avenue for part-time jobs.


3. Resell Things that you don't Need

A number of students bring along a number of items with them when they first come to the UK. They soon realise that they do not need a lot of stuff. If you are looking for a bit more income on the side, you can always resell these items. The best way to do this could be either online or also just ask around your student accommodation and see if anyone is interested in anything. This can turn out to be a win-win situation for both, another student as well as you. It is also a good way to offer help and support to other students around you who need it. 


4. Be Part of the Student Ambassador Team


If you are looking to work from the comfort of your university and not wanting to venture out too much then this is a great option for you. You can expect to earn about £10 per hour. When you are a part of the student forum you can expect to help students around and also show them around the university campus. It again is a great way to connect with students from all around the world. You will have to help out students with information and answer a few questions that they have in regard to the campus. 


5. Photography


If you are someone who loves photography and is interested in making a decent part-time out of it, it is a great option. If you think you have the skill for this then go out there and explore your options. There are several universities, local businesses and events that are on the lookout for young professionals in this industry. You can always turn your passion into something bigger in the long run. 


6. Resident Assistant at University Halls


If you are living at a student accommodation and want to stay in then it is a great option to work as a supervisor at the student halls. This way you can earn money on the side and also expect to bag a few good discounts. This is a great way of getting good points on your CV as well. 


7. Be a Pet Sitter


It is a proven fact that being around pets can help you reduce your stress levels and anxiety. As a student, you will have a lot of things to worry about during your term. You can always opt to be a pet sitter for someone who needs it. You need not be an expert at this. This can prove to be a great way of destressing and also earning some side income. If you are a pet sitter you can expect to have a good time and earn some good buck on the side.


Leading a student life in a foreign country is never an easy task. However, if you have a grip on your finances and your budgets you can always excel. Having a plan and working as per a budget will help you sail through this phase easily. You can often also take inspiration from your friends at your student accommodation if you need help.


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