Online Proctoring: Enhancing Accessibility in Higher Education
Online Proctoring: Enhancing Accessibility in Higher Education
The speedy growth in technology along with internet availability and smartphone penetration is increasing the adoption of new educational innovations across the institutes.

The speedy growth in technology along with internet availability and smartphone penetration is increasing the adoption of new educational innovations across the institutes. One among them is the online examination system. Online examination has created a revolution in the field of e-learning and made education accessible to students even in remote areas.

The safety of online proctored exams using remote proctoring technology has improved exam conduction. It is a method of conducting the examination in the safest and most secure manner possible. Here’s how online proctoring technology enhances accessibility in higher education.

What is Online Proctoring Technology?

Online proctoring technology helps institutes to conduct exams remotely using an online examination system. It conducts online monitoring of students in the run time ensuring safe and secure examinations. The system uses anti-cheating technology to ensure that there are no malpractices, cheating, and other such activities attempted by the students during the exams.

Further, the software conducts an automatic evaluation of a student's performance during the exam and gives them feedback based on their scores. It enhances the entire process of online learning for the students and makes the institutes ready for further opportunities in the future.

Here are the main features of an Online Proctoring exam-

Real-time Monitoring-

The online proctored exam does not need invigilators to keep track of students’ activities during exams or to monitor them. The software itself conducts online monitoring of the students individually during the test. The software keeps track of all the student’s activities and helps in understanding students’ behavior during the test.

The entire monitoring is conducted in real-time so that if the system notices any unusual activities of students it warns the exam manager.

Disabled browsers-

As the online exams are conducted with the help of the internet and laptop/computer or mobile phones, this creates a risk of students cheating through the internet. They can search for any question or concept during the exam or even connect with people who can find the answers.

To avoid this, the online proctoring exam disables opening other browsers or tabs except the one used for the exam window. Even if the student tries to open the browser in private mode, the authorities will be notified about it and students will be given a warning. This way, it avoids such cheating practices.

Disabled Cut, Copy Paste-

To ensure higher security of the examination, the online software disabled cut, copy and paste option in the exam window to keep the students from attempting any cheating practices. This ensures that the proctored exams online are secure without any need for invigilators to monitor them. The exams are secure in a better way with the help of online software.

Video Monitoring-

The online proctoring exam keeps track of all student activities using the camera of their device. It monitors the students using the camera constantly. Further, the system takes screenshots of all the student’s activities frequently. Moreover, the system ensures that there is no presence of any person, book, or other inanimate objects near the students during the exam.

Warning Messages-

On noticing any unusual activities of students during the exam, the system notifies the invigilators about it. After the number of warnings set by the institutes, the exam gets submitted automatically and students cannot access it further.

Here’s how online proctoring exam increases accessibility to higher education

Enables Distance education-

The online proctoring exam secures online examinations for students and maintains the integrity of the institute. It eliminates all the risks of cheating and ensures exam security. Hence, it has become easier for the institutes to offer distance learning programs and online courses to the students. The students can enroll for any course from any institute at any time and complete it at their own pace.

They gain a degree and certificate on completing the course and clearing its exam. It makes education accessible to remote parts of the country through online mediums. Even in places with fewer institutes, the students can learn new skills and gain knowledge in subjects of their choice.


Micro-learning is a method of delivering educational content where the syllabus is divided into short videos. It makes distance education easier for the students as they can complete the course at their pace between their busy schedules. They can enroll in as many courses as they want. Clearing the exam will make them eligible for degrees and certificates. 

High Concurrency of Students-

The online examination system enables exam conduction for high concurrency of students. In this way, it reduces the institute’s cost of conducting exams. Further, it makes education accessible to students by eliminating the need to visit the physical location of institutes. Also, it improves affordability as it reduces the cost of operations for the institute.


The online proctoring exam is the best way to conduct online examinations and evaluations of students. The entire process is secured and automated with the help of a digital solution. It makes student’s education more accessible and affordable even for students located in remote locations. It helps to increase the literacy rate of the country and helps students gain knowledge and skills for better opportunities in the future.


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