How to Convert CGPA to Percentage: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Convert CGPA to Percentage: A Step-by-Step Guide
In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to convert CGPA to a percentage.

Converting Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) to a percentage is a common requirement for students in various educational systems. CGPA is a grading system that measures a student's overall academic performance based on the average of their grade points earned in different courses or subjects. While CGPA provides a comprehensive view of a student's performance, converting it to a percentage scale offers a more familiar and widely understood representation. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to convert CGPA to a percentage.

Understanding CGPA and Percentage

Before we dive into the conversion process, let's clarify the concepts of CGPA and percentage. CGPA is a cumulative average of the Grade Points obtained by a student in multiple subjects or courses over a specific period, such as a semester or an academic year. On the other hand, percentage represents the overall performance of a student in terms of a percentage out of 100%.

Step-by-Step Guide to Convert CGPA to Percentage

Converting CGPA to a percentage involves a straightforward calculation. Follow these steps to convert your CGPA to a percentage:

Step 1: Obtain your CGPA

Check your academic transcript or the grade card to find your CGPA. It is usually provided for each semester or academic year.

Step 2: Determine the Maximum CGPA

Identify the maximum CGPA achievable in your educational system. This information is usually provided by your institution or can be found in the academic regulations or student handbook.

Step 3: Understand the Conversion Scale

Determine the conversion scale used by your educational institution to convert CGPA to a percentage. Different institutions may have different scales, so it's important to know the specific scale applicable to your situation.

Step 4: Apply the Conversion Formula

Once you have the maximum CGPA and the conversion scale, you can apply the conversion formula. The formula varies depending on the conversion scale used by your institution. Here are two common conversion formulas:

a) Linear Conversion Formula:
Percentage = (CGPA / Maximum CGPA) x 100

b) Cumulative Conversion Formula:
Percentage = (CGPA / Maximum CGPA) x Conversion Scale

Step 5: Perform the Calculation

Using the appropriate formula from Step 4, plug in your CGPA and the relevant values to calculate the percentage equivalent of your CGPA.

Step 6: Round Off the Percentage

Follow the rounding off conventions specified by your institution. Some institutions round the percentage to the nearest whole number, while others may use specific decimal places.

Step 7: Interpret and Use the Converted Percentage

Once you have the converted percentage, you can interpret it as a representation of your overall academic performance. It can be used for various purposes, such as job applications, further studies, or scholarship applications.

Example Calculation

Let's walk through an example to illustrate the conversion process. Suppose you have a CGPA of 8.6 on a maximum CGPA scale of 10. Applying the linear conversion formula, the calculation would be as follows:

Percentage = (8.6 / 10) x 100 = 86%

So, a CGPA of 8.6 converts to a percentage of 86%.

Also explore our SGPA to percentage converter for converting your semester grades into percentages.


Converting CGPA to a percentage allows for better comparability and understanding of academic performance. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can easily convert your CGPA to a percentage. Remember to consider the specific conversion scale used by your educational institution and follow any rounding off conventions they have in place. Converting your CGPA to a percentage provides a valuable representation that can be easily understood by employers, educational institutions, and scholarship committees. It offers a standardized benchmark for evaluating your academic achievements and facilitates seamless transition between different educational systems that use a percentage-based grading scale.


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