Data Science Internship
Data Science Internship
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Data Science Internship

KaaShiv Infotech offers, data science internship . Internship provides you an in-depth knowledge on Data Science .  This internship enables the students to understand and learn the current trend in the job market. Students will prefer internships to  build their profile for their jobs and also for their higher studies. Our company provides both offline and online data science internship . internship on Data Science imparts technical and programming skills on the below list of data science areas such as,

The Course curriculum for, data science internships for undergraduates – is carefully researched and prepared by professionals from MNC to meet the demands expected in the current IT industries. After completing Internship in Chennai at KaaShiv Infotech, students will be familiar with the entire data science concepts . Below are some of the insights of our  programme, data science internship in chennai ,

Kaashiv InfoTech Trainers are real-time IT experts and professionals worked in data science-related technologies from leading MNCs like

Student can get a real world experience and also our company provides a hands on training in a professional environment. Internships help to getting a chance to try all the possible jobs with explore different options in career.


Why Data Science internships ?

Data Science is a wide-ranging field there isn’t a single way to define the role of a data scientist or the domain of data science. The data scientist skill set includes in equal measure the statistics, analytical, programming skills and business cleverness.

The Data Science covers the basic topics such as

Data Science Internship Training, provides a practical exposure for the students on the latest and trending technologies. Below are some of the Top jobs in the IT Industry.

100% Practical – Live HandsOn – Data science internship description

Business Analytics, Data, Information , Compare R with other software in analytics , Install R , Perform basic operations in R using command line , Learn the use of IDE R Studio , Use the ‘R help’ feature in R

Topic 3 : Introduction to R programming

Variables in R , Scalars , Vectors , Matrices , List , Data frames

Topic 4 : What is Data Analytics – Data Manipulation in R

Data sorting , Find and remove duplicates record , Cleaning data , Recoding data , Merging data , Slicing of Data , Merging Data , Web Scraping

Topic 5 : Data Processing in Data Science

Selecting rows/observations , Selecting columns/fields , Vectorized Processing , Split , Merging data , Relabelling the column names , Sorting , Optimized Data Processing , Groupby , Aggregate , Apply , Multiple functions for same data , Same function for multiple data , Multiple functions for multiple data

+ Data Science Internships Certificate

+ Data Science Inplant Training Certificate

+ Free Industrial exposure certificate + (Achievement certificate for best performers) + 1 Data Science Project

Data science internship from home

100% Practical – Live HandsOn  – Data science internships for undergraduates

Business Analytics, Data, Information , Compare R with other software in analytics , Install R , Perform basic operations in R using command line , Learn the use of IDE R Studio , Use the ‘R help’ feature in R

Topic 3 : Introduction to R programming

Variables in R , Scalars , Vectors , Matrices , List , Data frames

Topic 4 : What is Data Analytics – Data Manipulation in R

Data sorting , Find and remove duplicates record , Cleaning data , Recoding data , Merging data , Slicing of Data , Merging Data , Web Scraping

Topic 5 : Data Processing in Data Science

Selecting rows/observations , Selecting columns/fields , Vectorized Processing , Split , Merging data , Relabelling the column names , Sorting , Optimized Data Processing , Groupby , Aggregate , Apply , Multiple functions for same data , Same function for multiple data , Multiple functions for multiple data

Topic 6 : Exploratory Data Analysis – Visualizing Data
Reading external csv file , Reading Options , Process read data , Writing csv file , Visualization , Histogram , Boxplot , Scatter Plot , Line Plot , Line chart , Pareto charts Topic 7 : Statistical Analysis in Data Science
Median , Quartiles , Correlation , Covariance , Regression , Linear Regression , Non Linear Regression, Multiple Regression , Model evaluation , Prediction using built model , clustering, Need for clustering , k-means clustering theory , Clustering is use case data , Visualization of clusters , dimensionality reduction , Eigen Value Decomposition , Principal Component Analysis , web scraping Topic 8 : Web Scraping and Data Science Algorithm Implementation
Introduction to BeautifulSoup , Scraping data from Web , Data parsing , classification , k-nn classification theory , Naïve Bayes Classification theory , Decision Tree , Random Forest

+ Internship Certificate

+ Data Science Inplant Training Certificate

+ Free Industrial exposure certificate + (Achievement certificate for best performers) + 2 Data Science Projects

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Data Science Internships – Feedback  – interns for data science students


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Data Science Internship Report

1. Report for the internship will be provided after the completion of the programme. internship report on Data science , summer internship report on Data Science , winner internship report on Data Science - will be given

2. Regular tech updates to the students.

3. Free internship Projects given

Data Science Internship Certificate

1. Industry Recognized, certificate for internship will be given.

2. 3 Certificates will be given ( Intern Certificate + Inplant Training Certificate & Industrial exposure certificate ) + (Achievement certificate for best performers)

Data Science Internship duration

2 day / 3/ 4 / 5 / 10, 20 days or 1 month to 6 Months ( Any Number of Days – Based on student preferences)



Data Science is not a single domain, it includes a variety of tools and techniques in order to get the right data, make sense of it and convert it into business insights. The role of a data scientist is all about playing with big numbers. It is about making sense of the numbers and hence mathematics especially statistics plays a vital part in the day to day routine of a data scientist. It combines many tools such as

How to put – data science internship experience – on your resume

There are no specific degree requirements used as prerequisites for data scientist intern jobs . However, most managers will be looking for a bachelor’s degree in computer science, or a related technical field. Data science internship requirements are as follows

The Answer is, Kaashiv Infotech offers internship  This internship involves, practical  knowledge and real time experience . Internship duration can be from 1 day to any number of days like 6 months. Usually students will prefer 5 days to 6 months of internship.

The Answer is, Yes . Internships in data science provides lot of technological and programming knowledge to the students and enable them to become professional experts

The Answer is, Have you tried internship in kaashiv infotech company. From Bangalore via online data science internship or through our online internship you can apply and learn. Our online internships will have, online portal , live classes from data science expert trainers with industry recognized certificates.

The answer is – Kaashiv infotech provides, internships in data science . This internship involves, learning and developing appliclations. Various technology internship are,

What is Data Science ?


What is logistic regression in Data Science ?


Name three types of biases that can occur during sampling

In the sampling process, there are three types of biases, which are:


Define Decision Tree algorithm


Name three disadvantages of using a linear model

Three disadvantages of the linear model are:


List out the libraries in Python used for Data Analysis and Scientific Computations.


Explain Collaborative filtering


What is a Linear Regression ?


What are the steps for a Data analytics project ?

The following are important steps involved in an analytics project:


Define Artificial Neural Networks


What is Back Propagation ?


What is a Random Forest ?


Define the term deep learning


What is Normal Distribution ?


Name various types of Deep Learning Frameworks


What is reinforcement learning ?


Name commonly used algorithms.

Four most commonly used algorithm by Data scientist are:


What are the differences between Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning ?

Supervised learning:

Supervised learning algorithm use labelled data to get trained. The models take direct feedback to confirm whether the output that is being projected is, indeed, correct. Also, both the input data and the output data are provided to the model, and the main goal is to train the model to predict the output when it accepts new data. It can mainly divide into two parts, classification and regression. It offers exact results.

Unsupervised learning:

Unsupervised learning algorithms use unlabelled data for training purposes. In this, the models do not take any feedback, and unlike the case of supervised learning, these models classify hidden data trends. The unsupervised learning model is only provided with the input data, and its main goal is to identify hidden patterns to extract information from the unknown sets of data. It can also be classified into two parts, i.e., clustering and associations.


How can you avoid overfitting ?


Explain cross-validation

Cross-validation is a model validation technique for estimating how the outcomes of a statistical analysis will simplify to an independent data set. It is used in backgrounds where the objective is to forecast and one wants to estimate how accurately a model will achieve in practice.

The aim of cross-validation is to term a data set to test the model in the training phase (i.e., validation data set) to limit problems like overfitting and gain vision into how the model will generalize to an independent data set.

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