Companion Plants for Apple Trees
Companion Plants for Apple Trees
Discover the secret to a thriving apple orchard with companion planting! Learn about the benefits of companion plants for apple trees and explore top choices like chives, nasturtiums, comfrey, clover, and dill. Enhance pollination, repel pests, improve soil fertility, and create a biodiverse ecosystem for healthier, more productive apple trees.

Are you looking to make the most out of your apple orchard? Companion planting might be the secret ingredient you've been searching for. You can enhance their health, yield, and flavor by strategically selecting plants to grow alongside your apple trees. In this guide, we'll delve into the world of apple tree companion plants, exploring the benefits and best choices for a thriving orchard.

Understanding Companion Planting

Companion planting involves growing different plants together to create a mutually beneficial environment. Specific plants can attract beneficial insects, repel pests, provide nutrients, or offer shade and support to neighboring plants. For apple trees, companion planting can help improve pollination, deter pests, and even enrich the soil.

Benefits of Companion Plants for Apple Trees

  1. Pollination Enhancement: Some companion plants attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, which are crucial for apple tree pollination. By increasing pollinator activity, you can improve fruit set and overall yield.
  2. Pest Control: Certain companion plants emit odors or contain compounds that repel common apple pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides. These organic pest-control tactics can help your orchard's environment maintain strength.
  3. Soil Improvement: Leguminous plants, such as clover or peas, are excellent companion plants for apple trees. They absorb nitrogen in the soil, improving it and giving necessary nutrients for the tree's growth.
  4. Microclimate Modification: Companion plants can alter the microclimate around apple trees by providing shade, wind protection, or moisture retention. This can help apple trees withstand harsh weather conditions and thrive in various environments.

Top Companion Plants for Apple Trees

  1. Chives: These aromatic herbs deter aphids and other pests while attracting pollinators with their vibrant flowers. Plant chives around the base of your apple trees to enhance pollination and discourage pests.
  2. Nasturtiums: Known for their vibrant flowers and peppery leaves, nasturtiums are excellent companion plants for apple trees. They repel aphids, beetles, and other pests, protecting your apple trees from infestations.
  3. Comfrey: This dynamic accumulator has deep roots that mine nutrients from the soil, making them available to nearby plants. Comfrey's leaves can also make nutrient-rich compost or mulch for your apple trees.
  4. Clover: As a nitrogen-fixing plant, clover improves soil fertility while attracting beneficial insects like bees and parasitic wasps. Planting clover as a ground cover beneath your apple trees can help create a healthy ecosystem.
  5. Dill: Besides being a flavorful herb for your kitchen, dill attracts predatory insects like ladybugs and lacewings, which feed on common apple pests such as aphids and caterpillars.

Remember to choose companion plants that thrive in your local climate and soil conditions. By incorporating these companion plants into your apple orchard, you can create a balanced and biodiverse ecosystem that encourages the fitness and productivity of your apple trees.


Companion planting offers numerous benefits for apple orchards, including enhanced pollination, natural pest control, soil improvement, and microclimate modification. By selecting the right companion plants and incorporating them into your orchard, you can create a harmonious environment where your apple trees can flourish. So why not try companion planting and watch your apple orchard thrive like never before?

Also Lean: How To Grow an Apple Tree: The Beginners Guide


Q1. What is best to plant under an apple tree?

Clover, chives, nasturtiums, and comfrey are excellent choices for planting under apple trees, providing benefits like nitrogen fixation, pest deterrence, and improved soil health.

Q2. Do apple trees need companions?

Yes, companion plants can benefit apple trees by enhancing pollination, repelling pests, improving soil fertility, and creating a healthier ecosystem.

Q3. What is the best ground cover around apple trees?

Clover is often considered the best ground cover around apple trees because it can fix nitrogen, attract beneficial insects, and provide a natural mulch.

Q4. Where not to plant apple trees?

To prevent waterlogging and frost damage, Avoid planting apple trees in low-lying areas prone to frost pockets or areas with poor drainage.

Q5. What not to plant next to fruit trees?

Avoid planting trees or shrubs near fruit trees that compete for nutrients, such as other fruit trees or plants with aggressive root systems. Additionally, plants susceptible to the same pests and diseases as fruit trees should be avoided to prevent the spread of infections.


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