Why Speaking Engagements Matter for Authors
Why Speaking Engagements Matter for Authors
Book Publicity | Book PR & Marketing Services | Smith Publicity

Getting in front of an audience and giving an informational or entertaining talk is a great way to become better known. For anyone researching how to market a book, it's quickly clear that the author's personal visibility is a factor. As a result, it's great news that the number of speaking platforms is increasing, and new virtual opportunities begun during the pandemic are here to stay. It's also true that for nonfiction authors, speaking in front of trade and professional groups can be a boon and often is recorded for online viewing. The goal is to reach your target readers in multiple ways.

Seasoned book publicists report that event sponsors and their planners have become more open to a wider variety of speakers. It has opened doors for authors who previously might not have been expected to be booked in certain places. When you have a publicist working for you proactively and seeking speaking platforms, it can also help. It's why carefully planning your PR campaign and targeting pitches matters so much. The increased openness to virtual speaking engagements has also lengthened the list of opportunities. Online events also often begin smaller and focus more on a single topic.

Successful book PR campaign work incrementally nearly always; you begin small and locally (or online) and build over time to larger events and audiences. Accepting a local speaking engagement, especially if it is recorded and available online, helps others discover you. If someone is debating about whether to book you and can watch you in action before an audience, it goes a long way toward convincing them of your appeal. Depending on how well the online recording does in internet search results, it may be viewed by thousands of people over time and help sell your book – you can sell books globally from it.

Tapping into the power of niche marketing is also a wise idea when booking speaking engagements. When you speak to a general audience with only passing interest in your work, you'll spark fewer sales than before a more interested audience. If blogs and podcasts have taught marketers one thing, it's how well they can sell products, books included. Speaking engagements work the same way as media appearances; keeping it niche can produce surprisingly good results. You may also enjoy focused audiences more because you can get into some details, and they will follow along with greater interest.




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