Significance of Third-Party Two-Wheeler Insurance
Significance of Third-Party Two-Wheeler Insurance
Here we are going to look at what third-party bike insurance is and why it is important.

Significance of Third-Party Two-Wheeler Insurance

Third-party two-wheeler insurance is a financial protection plan provided by various insurance providers to protect the owner of the vehicle from any 3rd party damages that may happen due to any unforeseen and unfortunate accident on the road. As there's been a rapid growth in the number of two-wheeler vehicles on the road, the government has also made it mandatory for one to have third-party insurance through the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988. Therefore, one must always make sure to get third-party two-wheeler insurance and avoid any future risks.

Features Of Third-Party Bike Insurance

Having third-party bike insurance can help one avoid any financial damages that may happen due to any unforeseen circumstances by a third party on the road. As such it is very important for one to have third-party bike insurance while they are driving on the road. The following are the key features of having third-party two-wheeler insurance:

  1.  Protection From Any Third-Party Property Damage

By having a third-party two-wheeler insurance one can avoid any financial loss that they will have to pay to any third party involved which has received property damages from them. 

  1.  Cover Against Any Injury Or Death Of A Third Party

The insurance provider will compensate the third party or their family members for any injuries or worse death due to any unfortunate accident because of the policyholder.

  1.  Personal Accident Cover

One can never predict what can happen on the road especially when they are driving a two-wheeler. But by getting third-party two-wheeler insurance they can avoid financial losses from any costly medical treatment that they will incur due to personal accidents as some insurance providers also provide the personal accident cover with third-party bike insurance.

  1.  Legal Protection Cover

By getting third-party bike insurance one can avoid paying for any legal expenses due to any damages or dispute involving a third party.

Exclusion In Third-Party Two-Wheeler Insurance

One must also make sure to read all the third-party bike insurance policy documents before buying to avoid any future hassle with insurance claims. The following are the various exclusions of third-party two-wheeler insurance that must be noted:

  1.  Own Damage

Third-party bike insurance does not cover any losses that are caused due to the owner's fault.

  1.  Theft Or Fire Damage

The insurance provider is not liable to pay for any damages that may have been a result of theft or fire if the policyholder only has third-party bike insurance.

  1.  Add-On Covers

Third-party bike insurance is stand-alone cover that only protects the owner in case of third-party damage as such one needs to get any add-ons covered separately from the insurance provider by paying the additional premium charges.

  1.  Damages Due To Drunk Driving

Insurance providers are not liable for any damages that may be the result of driving under the influence of the owner of the vehicle.

  1.  Driving Without A Licence

Policyholders can have their claim request rejected if the insurance provider finds that they were driving without a licence at the time of the incident.

Reasons For Getting Third-Party Two-Wheeler Insurance

The following are the reasons for getting third-party two-wheeler insurance:

  1. Mandated by the government.
  2. Low premiums
  3. Financial protection
  4. Peace of mind.


Driving on the road has become dangerous and can be especially risky when one is driving a two-wheeler. But one can avoid any financial damage from such risks by getting third-party two-wheeler insurance. Third-party two-wheeler insurance has also been mandated by the government under the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 and not having third-party bike insurance can lead one to a penalty fine by the traffic office as such they should always make sure to have third-party insurance when driving on the road. Now, one can easily get third-party bike insurance online in just a few easy steps from Quickinsure by visiting their official website and comparing various available plans and getting the one that meets their requirements.


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