Recyclable Packaging Materials For Custom Display Boxes
Recyclable Packaging Materials For Custom Display Boxes
Product display is an essential factor in increasing sales. To showcase their product, companies use custom display boxes.

Product display is an essential factor in increasing sales. To showcase their product, companies use custom display boxes. However, with growing global warming concerns, brands now prefer eco-friendly material for packaging. 


You can easily find companies that provide sustainable packaging for product display. Eco-friendly packaging is essential to reduce the carbon footprint of your company. Besides this, you can attract climate-conscious individuals toward your product. 


Cardboard display boxes are the most suitable example of climate-friendly boxes. Undoubtedly, you cannot ignore the marketing of your product via packaging. For this, you can use organic inks on your boxes. In today's discussion, we will discuss some of the best materials for recyclable packaging. 

Why Use Recyclable Custom Display Boxes? 


We know that packaging is mandatory for several reasons. You can protect, present, and display your products with packaging. Confusion arises when someone asks about the utility of recyclable boxes. The simple answer is that it is profitable. 


Display packaging boxes must be sustainable because the use of these boxes is not only morally correct but has multiple other benefits like cost-effectiveness, durability, recyclability, etc. Your brand can considerably grow by using environmentally friendly boxes. 

Ways To Get Recyclable Packaging

Although a vast majority know the benefits of using biodegradable packaging, only a few know how to get it, below are some of the materials that will help you get your desired material for product display boxes: 

Kraft Material 

Kraft material is among the common sustainable materials used in packaging. This material comes directly from the woods; companies prefer it in unbleached form. Most food packaging and custom display boxes, like bakery items, fast food, etc., are made from kraft. 

In the same way, products in direct contact with our body, such as soaps, cosmetics, and medicines, are packed in kraft packaging as it is non-toxic and safe for use. 

Cardstock Material

Cardboard label dispenser boxes are made from cardstock. It is a 100% recyclable material. Besides this, cardstock boxes can absorb moisture, not easily break, and give firm shapes to the packaging. 


When you recycle this material, the strength of the resulting material remains the same. So, if you desire a biodegradable product for your product display, cardstock is a good option for you. 

Corrugated Material 

Moving ahead, we have a third material that will make you worry-free regarding the environmental aspects of your packaging. This is corrugated raw material. It has flutes that make it best for heavy object packaging. 


You can use this material for floor display packaging boxes and give your product an eye-catching display. Boxes made of corrugated material will not get collapsed while stacking and make your product shipping easy.  Our Product Scraping Service will help you to get the details.

What Factors Can Reduce The Recyclability Of Boxes

The sustainability of a box does not just depend on the material. Some other factors also impact it, like the type of add-ons, inks, and coatings. Most companies add lamination on their cardboard boxes because it protects the box. 


The problem with lamination is that it makes the recycling process difficult. Similarly, the inks made from petroleum reduce the renewable properties of packaging. Replacing these coatings and inks will give you an appropriate solution for eco-friendly packaging.

So how can you prevent these hurdles? The following way will pave your way toward sustainability: 

Replace Ink

You can replace your petroleum-based inks with soy and water-based inks. These inks do not stick on the cardboard label dispenser boxes, making recycling easy. 

Use Aqueous Coating

You can replace plastic lamination with an aqueous coating. The strength of the aqueous coating is less than lamination. But it is strong enough to protect your product boxes

You can also use U.V. coating on your product display boxes to make them environmentally friendly. It will give your boxes a lustrous look while protecting them. 

To Sum Up 

Custom display boxes are necessary to showcase your product effectively. But it would be best to keep these boxes safe for the environment. There are many ways to keep the packaging unharmful for the surroundings, such as using paper-based materials and sustainable inks. 

Replace your petroleum inks with soy or water-based inks. You can replace synthetic coating with organic one for box strength and get eco-friendly packaging. 


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