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joined at 7 months ago

    Essential Specifications to Gated Community Management...

    Implementing a community management software that is gated provides numerou...

    • tekmuzammil

    UAE Home Interview Survey Based on CAPI

    CAPI Home interview surveys allows businesses, governments, and researchers...

    • tekmuzammil

    ANPR Cameras and LPR Cameras in saudi Arabia

    ANPR cameras as well as LPR cameras are advanced cameras that are designed...

    • tekmuzammil

    Social Media Apps: Connecting Communities and Businesse...

    Social media is now an integral component of Jeddah's digital landscape, ac...

    • tekmuzammil

    ANPR Cameras and LPR Cameras in Uae dubai

    The UAE the world's center of technological advancement, is increasingly em...

    • tekmuzammil

    Software Development in UAE for Energy & Utilities...

    The integration of software solutions in Dubai, software architecture in Ab...

    • tekmuzammil

    Perimeter Intrusion Detection System for Data Centers i...

    The Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS) is not just an extra securi...

    • tekmuzammil

    Access Control Systems for Office Buildings and Corpora...

    Access control systems play an essential role in modern office buildings a...

    • tekmuzammil