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joined at 9 months ago

    Overviewing the Rising Popularity of Foodservice Dispos...

    Foodservice disposables have grown tremendously in popularity over the past...

    • LaxmiIlme

    Automated Fare Collection System Automated Fare System...

    The automation of fare collection helps public transport systems handle a h...

    • LaxmiIlme

    Nature's Strongest Fiber The Potential of Synthetic Spi...

    Spider silk is considered one of the strongest fibers found in nature. The...

    • LaxmiIlme

    Aluminum Cables New Contender Challenges Copper The Ris...

    With continuous technology advancements, cables are now emerging as a viabl...

    • LaxmiIlme

    Green Coatings Environmentally Friendly Options for a S...

    Green or environmentally friendly coatings are paints, sealants, and other...

    • LaxmiIlme