What Do Dentists And Sleep Apnea Have To Do With Each Other?
Physicians mostly refer sleep apnea patients to dentists. Dentists can recommend oral appliances to people who are suffering from sleep apnea to prevent grinding.

Dental problems are always discomforting, and such an issue is Sleep apnea, which is also known as bruxism. Even individuals with sleep apnea might also experience the symptoms of grinding their teeth when they are sleeping. This might sound odd, doesn't it? Nevertheless, when one grinds their teeth during sleep at night, it is an indication that sleep apnea is going on. So, in such a condition, it is better to consult a sleep apnea dentist in NYC

When this condition of grinding is not treated, you might get many other health problems, such as hypertension, stroke, heart failure, and diabetes. This is why it is important to consult a dentist to know the right treatment for sleep apnea. Dental sleep medicine is a kind of dental practice in which patients will get to use oral appliances. 

Sleep apnea, breathing problems, or snoring are the three main types of sleeping disorders that usually need special treatment using these dental devices. 

This oral appliance is a device that patients can wear in the mouth while sleeping.

In addition to this, oral appliances can easily fit into the teeth like a retainer. Many physicians recommend that patients with sleep apnea consult a sleep apnea dentist. This is why both dentists and physicians provide the best treatment.

To sum up

Physicians mostly refer sleep apnea patients to dentists. Dentists can recommend oral appliances to people who are suffering from sleep apnea to prevent grinding. If you’re looking for dental appliance therapy for sleep apnea, make an appointment with New York TM & Orofacial Pain.

What Do Dentists And Sleep Apnea Have To Do With Each Other?

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