Dental experts specializing in orthodontics concentrate on fixing the positioning of teeth and the alignment of the jaw. If you're looking into different treatment choices, knowing the typical procedures provided by orthodontists in Fort Collins can assist you in creating a more efficient strategy for your oral health.
Below are some common orthodontic procedures for a confident smile
1. Braces
Out of all orthodontic varieties available, braces are the one that most people would say is the easiest to identify. They are metal bands with brackets so that they can stick to the dental arch.
Wires are constantly connected among them, and they work towards positioning the teeth into the preferred bone positions. These are very useful in treating conditions like teeth overcrowding and gaps, as well as misaligned teeth.
Moreover, there are also more advanced innovations like ceramic braces that cannot be easily detected as they resemble the colour of a natural tooth.
2. Invisalign
Invisalign has emerged as the best or recommended braces replacement as it provides clear plastic aligners that nearly eliminate visibility. This treatment is especially useful to those adults and teens who do not wish to use traditional braces.
They consist of smooth plastic and avoid the bulky metal and wires of ordinary braces in movement. If you want something more aesthetically pleasing, an orthodontist in Fort Collins can help in explaining the options to you.
3. Retainers
After completing their braces or Invisalign treatment, patients are usually given retainers, which help support their teeth in place. Retainers can be permanent or temporary and are mandatory to avoid relapse of teeth back to their normal position.
There are scheduled visits with an orthodontist to check on the fitting of the retainers and the alignment of the teeth.
4. Palate Expanders
Upper jaw expanders are dental devices designed to increase the width of the upper jaw and are frequently utilized by young kids. This procedure corrects cross bite in addition to allowing teeth to erupt into perfect alignment.
To guarantee that the child gets the best outcomes, your orthodontist in Ft. Collins will assess the course of treatment and make the necessary changes.
5. Surgical Orthodontics
When it comes to more advanced cases, surgery may be required to align the jaws or to resolve other intricate dental complications. The field of surgery can also bring a functional and aesthetic change.
Orthodontics means a variety of remedies whether it’s braces, Invisalign, or any other method, it’s wise to see an orthodontist in Ft. Collins before making your choice to know how best to go about it.
Don’t miss the opportunity to bring your child in for an evaluation of how the treatment can work well for you or him or her!
Heath Simmons is the author of this article. For more details about Clear Aligner in Loveland CO, Please visit our website:


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