How smart cities can manage complete segregation of municipal waste
How smart cities can manage complete segregation of municipal waste
NEC India's smart waste management uses RFID for 100% waste segregation, optimizing collection routes and monitoring bins in real-time.

100% segregation of municipal waste is possible with a smart waste management solution as it uses RFID technology to prioritize full trash bins. 


If a city is facing problems with waste segregation, it can use a smart waste management system. NEC India’s smart waste management system can help in ensuring up to 100% segregation of waste. 


The system uses Internet of Things (IoT) technology to provide updates to the waste contractor about the uncollected trash bins. In this technology, all trash bins are RFID-tagged. RFID readers provide the municipalities with information about the trash bins that need to be collected. By prioritizing the trash bins that are almost full, a municipal authority can handle waste more efficiently. 


RFID technology makes door-to-door waste collection even more robust. In addition to this, the waste-collection vehicles can be tracked with RFID tags, which can also help in keeping track of the waste-collection vehicles. 


An optimal route for waste can be prepared with the help of route optimization software of a smart waste collection system. This software uses data collected from the RFID tags to generate an optimal route for the waste-collecting vehicles. 


A smart waste management system helps a municipality know about the effectiveness of waste collection. A replay of the routes can be done to check if the vehicles have been discharging their duties properly. Getting the residents sensitized on the importance of waste segregation will further improve the level of waste segregation. 


Pan-tilt-zoom cameras with a good resolution can be installed as part of the smart waste management solution to check any irresponsible dumping of waste. 


A city-level application dashboard makes the system visible to stakeholders, including residents and waste contractors. They will know about the uncollected waste from the application dashboard since all the data is available in real time.


Waste-to-energy plants and bio-CNG plants use organic waste material as fuel to generate energy. 100 % segregation of waste ensures that these plants operate at their optimal capacity. 


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