How Influencers Earn on Instagram 2023
How Influencers Earn on Instagram 2023
The majority of you have probably seen or followed influencers who receive thousands of dollars in gifts every day, receive continuous gifts, or are given iPhones almost every week as prizes.

The majority of you have probably seen or followed influencers who receive thousands of dollars in gifts every day, receive continuous gifts, or are given iPhones almost every week as prizes. It is not easy to gain thousands and millions of followers on Instagram in just one afternoon, and you should not buy these followers because it will not help you earn money on Instagram or cheat brands. It is true that the effective path is much slower and there is no infallible trick to get money, but there are small steps we can take or ways we can earn a little bit of money in the meantime.

Understand how Instagram works

Understanding how Instagram works is one of the first and most important steps because it is what we will need to grow. Instagram behaves differently for each user and does not show in chronological order, but shows personalization for each person according to the accounts with which we interact.

For example, if someone mentions you a lot or gives you a lot of likes uk Instagram, your posts will always be highly visible. If you have many followers, but no one interacts with you, it is likely that your posts barely appear on their profile and they don't even see them. Normally Instagram, today, uses an algorithm that looks for similar behaviour in addition to chronology in the publications.

contribute something

It may be the main thing, the least we ask of an Instagram account. Contribute something, make others believe that you are "useful". Contributing does not mean giving advice all the time, but you can contribute quality photos, good funny or interesting captions, tips and tricks, recommendations, or cool places others will want to go.

Although, at all times, he tries to achieve a good tandem between photography and text, since images do not usually work on their own, we need something more. For this reason, as we will see below, it will also be important that we not only take care of the images that we share on this Meta social network, but also that we interact with other users, as well as with other influencers that are related to what we do.


It won't do you any good to have thousands of followers if you don't answer what they ask you, if you don't respond to their compliments. What sense does this have? They will probably get tired of writing to you if you are never going to reply to them. And without interaction you will no longer have an active community that you depend on. Also interact in other profiles or accounts, work together, comment to other users.

Getting visibility also involves appearing in discussions on other profiles or on other accounts that attract the attention of those followers. For this reason, it is important that you can interact with other accounts with a good number of followers. And it is that, in this way, you will be able to gain more visibility in the Meta social network.

Take care of the images

You may be a store that will sell any type of craft product. Imagine, for example, handmade children's dolls. Your dolls or what you do may be excellent, but they won't be able to appreciate it if you can't show it in a clear, orderly, clean and quality way. Invest in a light box (especially designed for small objects like jewelry) or invest in a camera, a spotlight...

There are photography "tools" within the reach of almost any pocket and will help you improve the presentation. If you have a store this is essential. If you are looking to be an influencer (of any subject or field) it will also be, without a doubt. Since every detail that we take care of will be vital to get the attention of other users of this social network. In addition, we must be aware of what is trending when editing images and publishing them.

Use advertising on Instagram

It is one of the best ways to monetize the account , but, as in almost everything, we must invest. Invest in advertising to gain impact and visibility and your goal may be closer. Especially in the case of stores or brands that want to appear in other people's stories.

And remember well: invest in Instagram Ads, but not in buying followers because this will not help you at all. Because the simple fact that you have a large number of "fake" followers will not make you reach more people. You could even create a bad image of the brand that you have tried to build from scratch with great effort.

Take advantage of Instagram Stories

Although it may seem like it's only for selfies, Instagram Stories is full of possibilities , just like live events or IGTV. All this allows us to grow and share content to make guides or compilations. For example, if you like to travel and you want to make city or country guides.

If you like to eat and want to recommend restaurants, you can do it through Instagram Stories by marking them as featured on your profile... In this way, you can permanently leave your passions, hobbies, hobbies, etc. In this way, every time a person enters your profile, they can take a quick look at the most important things on your Instagram and, above all, they will not only take your posts into account.

Ask for help

If your dream is to be an influencer or earn money on Instagram, you may not know that there are people who help you, companies or agencies dedicated to achieving it . Many of the people you follow on the social network are "taken" by the same agencies and these can help you carry out actions with the brands or can even help you in the graphic editing of the content.

Do all influencers work with agencies? Possibly not, but there are many who do. It is this agency or company that manages what gifts they send you, what events you go to or even what content is recommended for you to do. Experts who can help you take that step of getting money on Instagram if that's what you want.

Just do a Google search for communication agencies specialised in influencers and look for which one works or operates in your country. You will find information on each of them and contact options in case you can work together. Although, in this case, it will also depend on the influence you have gained over time.

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