Channel Mastery: Unleashing The Power Of Intelligence Tools
Channel Mastery: Unleashing The Power Of Intelligence Tools
There are between 12 and 24 million e-commerce websites in the globe, and more are popping up every day.


There are between 12 and 24 million e-commerce websites in the globe, and more are popping up every day. In order to thrive in the highly competitive e-commerce market, your team must possess the ability to identify a unique edge, a gap, or a prompt chance to take the initiative.It might be anything from product placement to price to assortment to discovering a function that users anticipate from your website. This is where channel intelligence tools are useful. By honestly describing the situation and assisting you and other stakeholders in setting a sensible priority list for strategic choices, it gets to the truth. Are you still wondering what your company will benefit from from a competitive intelligence study? Verify that at least one of the following boxes is checked:

Have you seen indications of a potential opportunity but are unsure whether it would be beneficial for your e-commerce company?

  • Has a rival launched an unanticipated new product, service, or feature that your clients have requested but you were unaware they desired?

  • Has a direct rival been effective in launching a brand-new channel? One that's unique to your sector of the market, or to a whole other consumer segment?

  • Do you lack sufficient knowledge insight to solve an issue or develop a marketing strategy?

  • Do you doubt that you have enough precise, up-to-date, and particular knowledge to make an informed strategic choice?

Recognizing your rivals

Losing sales to a market participant you probably didn't think of as a direct opponent might come as a shock. Ecommerce competitive intelligence studies assist you remain ready to handle such shocks by first identifying all kinds of possible competitors that you should be keeping an eye on. They do this by scanning your full scope. Among them are:

  • Direct rivals are businesses who cater to the same clientele as you or provide comparable goods and services.

  • rivals that sell a comparable product to a different market or provide a high- or low-cost version of your product are known as indirect rivals.

  • Third-level or replacement competitors: These companies provide somewhat similar, popular goods and services. As an example, your business offers ready-made clothing, whereas a third-party rival might sell unstitched clothing supplies.

Checking the brands and markets you are most often compared to, as well as the company names your consumers bring up in conversation, are other essential methods of identifying your true competitors. Additionally, e-commerce competitive intelligence identifies businesses that solve comparable problems, cater to comparable market demands, or alleviate comparable pain spots. It also includes a list of businesses that show up in search results that are comparable to yours.

Recognizing their pricing tactics

  • How do you make sure you take home a larger portion of the sales revenue while competing with another merchant for a recently announced product that is guaranteed to fly off the shelves? To assist you make fast business choices, comprehensive e-commerce competitive intelligence provides you with important competition data. Among them is responding to:

  • How much is the goods being sold for?

  • How soon is it being delivered?

  • Do they often tout unique bank or card discounts that are only available for the product?

  • Which cross- and up-sells are they using in conjunction with this?

Keeping an eye on these factors enables you to determine the value of a price match, determine if you could deliver more quickly, or provide more compelling alternatives. For any e-commerce business, knowing how you stack up against your competitors in terms of pricing is unquestionably useful information. Astute businesses use automated price intelligence tools to get a competitive advantage in real time.

Determining the website approach of your opponent

 75% of customers acknowledge that they rely their opinions about a company's legitimacy on the way its website is designed. You may get concrete understanding of your competitors' advantages and disadvantages by thoroughly reviewing their websites, particularly when comparing them to your own. Usually, they would include examining

  • Product pages: What kind of data do they offer? Which styles and formats do they use for their product images?

  • Positioning: In what way do they present their goods? Exists a perspective that they haven't yet looked into?

  • CTAs: Do they use any specific tactics when placing calls to action?

  • Get in touch:  Which points of contact for customer assistance do they offer? (For instance, phone help or live chat)

In terms of search engine optimization, astute participants would be well to consider the following while doing their competitive analysis of e-commerce:

  • Do they have any particular keyword rankings?

  • How do keywords appear in product names and how densely do they appear in descriptions?

  • How many organic visits do they get on average?

  • For their product photographs, do they use alt tags?

  • Do they have sponsored campaigns for searches?

  • Not only will this help you gauge where you stand, but it will also provide you with some insight into what their next possible website approach would be.

Choosing the correct assortment

Is a product that you don't carry being actively sold by your rival? Here are a few strategies to make sure you don't miss anything:

  • Examine yearly reports to find the best-selling categories.

  • Consult with vendors and logistical partners to determine the best-selling items.

  • Read through reports that highlight issues; product and category names are almost always included.

  • Attend conclaves and listen to the topics discussed by professionals in the business.

  • Be aware of the Facebook advertisements of your rivals.

  • Check out what folks are whining about on Twitter.

  • You may engage industry professionals that use tried-and-true technologies and methodology to find the most in-demand items in addition to using these popular methods of determining bestselling products.

Review data to get a sense of how customers are feeling.

Astute players are already obtaining insightful information from client evaluations by examining open-source data.  A crucial component of competitive intelligence in e-commerce is feature-driven sentiment measurement. Why? because it reveals every product's positive, negative, and ugly aspects. For example, the analytical data will detect the emotion for the fit being favorable and the material being negative if a trouser review says, "The fit is great but the material is not breathable."

It goes on from here. Several cognitive layers are  unique review analytics platform, with grammar being one of them. When the word "cheap" is used in reference to price, for example, it interprets it positively; but, when it is used in reference to the material used in production, it interprets it negatively. These inputs, which are recorded as distinct feature-based attitudes, assist markets in gaining a comprehensive understanding of rival brands, including their advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, it provides sellers and brands with insights about the language they should use when creating customer-focused product material.



In e-commerce, end to end campaign management plays a critical role in developing new company strategies by providing insightful market data on recent advancements. Research and organized analysis may provide valuable insights and information that can effectively improve a business's operations, plans, and tactics, resulting in increased return on investment.



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