Carrying out automobile transportation of passengers by online taxi
Carrying out automobile transportation of passengers by  online taxi
A taxi is a type of public transport operating based on a public contract (at the request of anyone), which is used to transport passengers and goods to any point specified

A taxi is a type of public transport operating based on a public contract (at the request of anyone), which is used to transport passengers and goods to any point specified by the passenger with payment of fares by the meter. In most cases, a passenger car is used for these purposes.


 The taxi scarborough to manchester airport rules determine the requirements for the configuration of a taxi car, its equipment, the rights and obligations of carriers, the taxi driver, the passenger, liability, the procedure for filing claims and lawsuits, and some features of passenger transportation on this public transport. 


By clause 24 of the Rules, drivers must know the requirements of regulatory legal acts regulating the automobile transportation of passengers they carry out. Drivers who transport passengers by taxi must be certified under relevant training programs approved by the Ministry of Transport and Communications.


The training center provides training for taxi drivers through the 3-day educational program of training courses “Carrying out road transport of passengers by taxi cars.” 


During taxi driver training classes, students will become familiar with:


  • the psychology of communication with passengers to maintain psychological comfort; they will help to avoid conflict situations and stop emerging conflicts with passengers at the initial stage, etc. Knowledge of the intricacies of service allows you to attract new passengers and increase the number of regular customers;
  • features of driving a car in urban conditions, without knowledge of which it is not possible to effectively operate a taxi in cities with large traffic flows;
  • rules for transporting passengers by taxi;
  • peculiarities of organizing a taxi service;
  • the procedure for on-line control by regulatory authorities, the types and limits of responsibility of the taxi driver in cases of non-compliance with the rules of road transport or in case of improper performance of job duties;
  • current issues of labor law related to the organization and performance of passenger transportation by taxi cars, including essential working conditions and payment, the rights and obligations of the employer, as well as ways to ensure compliance with the rights of the driver working for hire in a taxi;
  • types and procedures for insurance and periodic and pre-trip inspections;
  • requirements for taxi cars;
  • design and operating rules of taximeters;
  • means of operational communication during taxi transportation;
  • the main provisions of the traffic rules of the Republic of Belarus;
  • route orientation in the city;
  • rules of conduct for drivers in emergencies;
  • working and rest conditions of drivers.


The courses end with passing an exam (test), based on the results of which the driver receives a certificate of training, which guarantees employment in the taxi service and gives the right to be on a shift on the line.

Do you like to ride taxis in the UK?


New rules for taxi aggregators may come into effect in the UK. According to experts, the market in this case risks greatly shrinking - only one out of five taxi drivers has a right to passenger transportation. As a result, the cost of travel may increase several times. 


Do you like to ride taxis in the UK?


New rules for taxi aggregators may come into effect in the UK. According to experts, the market in this case risks greatly shrinking - only one out of five taxi drivers has a right to passenger transportation. As a result, the cost of travel may increase several times. 


One of five


The bill, adopted in the first reading, involves the introduction of fines for transferring orders to drivers who do not have the right to carry out transportation.


For this violation, the fine for citizens will be from 1 thousand to 3 thousand rubles, for officials - from 20 thousand to 30 thousand rubles, for legal entities - from 100 thousand to 200 thousand rubles. Suppose the aggregator again committed such an offense during the year. In that case, the repeated fine for citizens will be from 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles, for officials - from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - from 200 thousand to 500 thousand. 



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