Bursting Strength Tester Machine for Carton Box - Presto Group
Bursting Strength Tester Machine for Carton Box - Presto Group
Bursting Strength Tester Machine for Carton Box - Presto Group is a product that can measure the bursting strength of carton boxes and other materials, such as paper, cardboard, leather, and cloth. The bursting strength is the amount of pressure that a material can withstand before it ruptures or bursts. The product can help to evaluate the quality and durability of carton boxes and other materials, as well as their suitability for different applications and environments.

Bursting Strength Tester Machine for Carton Box - Presto Group is a product that can measure the bursting strength of carton boxes and other materials, such as paper, cardboard, leather, and cloth. The bursting strength is the amount of pressure that a material can withstand before it ruptures or bursts. The product can help to evaluate the quality and durability of carton boxes and other materials, as well as their suitability for different applications and environments.

The product works by applying a hydraulic load under a rubber diaphragm of a specific area of the sample under test. The product can display the bursting strength value in terms of kg/cm² on a digital indicator. The product can also store and export the data to a computer, printer, or other devices.

The product is manufactured and supplied by Presto Group, which is a leading provider of quality lab testing instruments and equipment for various industries. Presto Group has over 40 years of experience in developing and delivering quality lab testing instruments and equipment. Presto Group has won the National Award for Quality Products from the Government of India and has served over 11,436 customers worldwide. Presto Group is also Asia's top manufacturer of testing instruments. To know more about Presto Group's Bursting Strength Tester, you can visit their website or contact them at +91 9210 903 903 directly for quotations, specifications, and demonstrations.

Know More -- https://www.prestogroup.com/products/bursting-strength-tester-digital/



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