Top 6 Tips When Writing an Article
Top 6 Tips When Writing an Article
If your existing audience is fundamentally different in its characteristics, or you want to reach new audience segments, you can introduce several categories with different focus

Know your audience

The first thing you need to understand is who you are blogging for. Constantly studying website and blog visitors will give you an understanding of what kind of people come, what interests them, and what their needs for the product are. If your existing audience is fundamentally different in its characteristics, or you want to reach new audience segments, you can introduce several categories with different focus

Decide on the format

Today, companies write blogs like British Author UK to share industry analysis, how-tos, news and updates, product information, success stories, and more. There are many blog formats, we list the six most popular:

  • "How-to" post

  • List based post

  • “What is” post

  • Post like “The Ultimate Guide”

  • Newsjacking post

  • Post - infographics

Answer the question “Why?”

Why should people be interested in our post? Why would they be interested in reading our blog? Why will they share our posts on social networks?

They like, repost and discuss what is really useful and interesting. Write about what is interesting to your target audience. If the topic is hackneyed, look for a new perspective on the problem. Expand existing materials, add new tools, and conduct a comparative analysis. Don’t publish “to make it happen”, but prepare top-quality material. 

The most striking examples on the Belarusian market are, perhaps, the blogs of the companies PandaDoc, OneSoil, and EPAM. Blogs contain high-quality, sometimes unique content; the types of posts vary: from reviews of the industry as a whole, to complete guides and comparative analyses of various tools. Content is constantly updated. 

Add a catchy title

The article should already shout in the title about the usefulness of the material and solve the reader’s problem. A good title should not be too general, but at the same time provide enough information and sort of set the direction for the entire future article that British writers write. It does not cover all the small nuances of a broad topic; instead, it takes one single issue and focuses on it. For example, 

  • Remote teams are too broad a topic for discussion

  • 3 things to change when your remote team grows past 20 people - a narrower specificity of solving the problem of team interaction, a fairly narrow topic suitable for a blog post. 

Make an attractive lead

If the headline is designed to attract the reader’s attention, then the first (leading) paragraph - also known as the lead - should hold attention. If you lose the reader in the first sentences, he will not be able to appreciate your post, no matter how unique it is. The headline + lead combination is a powerful formula for capturing and retaining your audience. 

Use storytelling techniques to create a compelling intro, tell a joke, or grab the reader's attention with some entertaining statistics. Next, reveal the purpose and topic of the post and explain how this or that problem is solved. 

Add media materials

Interactivity and the presence of high-quality visual content have a positive effect on user engagement. Therefore, media content appears wherever you need to combat loss of concentration. The content of the post should not be limited to text information only. It should be visual, and self-explaining. It is necessary to add photos, graphics, presentations, and relevant links to articles. 

However, it is worth remembering that it is better to look for media not from photo stocks and Google images, but those that are close to reality and most fully reveal the topic of the article. The picture should enrich the text in meaning. People are interested in people. The reader loves other people, loves to observe them, immerses himself in other people's experiences, and is enriched by them. A person does not perceive abstractions. And stock photos are somewhat abstract. 



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